Friday, May 12, 2017

9 week update

This week officially puts us at 9 weeks along! Our scan earlier this week went very well. Baby is growing and heart rate has jumped to 182! We are really just moving right along. P was able to be present at the appointment; we went out to brunch afterwards. It was nice to be able to spend some time together talking about all the exciting things that come with surrogacy as she begins preparing for motherhood!

My nausea is trying to subside it seems. It shows up from time to time, mostly when my stomach is empty or right after I've eaten something that disagreed with the pregnancy. It doesn't last all day any longer, so I'm thankful for that! I still battle a bit of fatigue (normal of course!) and I go to bed a bit earlier than usual these days, 9p most nights. I ventured back into the gym this week as I was beginning to feel somewhat achy from all the "rest" last week. I always feel better when I move. To my surprise, my energy level wasn't too low and no nausea at the gym. WIN! I'm interested to see how that changes as we move along.

My OB's office called me back with my lab results. To their surprise and mine, my iron levels are all normal: I am no longer anemic!! Wahoo!! I guess that iron infusion worked well and hopefully I can maintain good levels throughout. My OB attributes my earlier symptoms (dizziness, shortness of breath, headaches, etc) to simply "early pregnancy" and the fact that I'm "a little older" than I used to be. That's a nice way of saying that I'm just an old pregnant women, ha! She did say that pregnancy symptoms can feel worse as women age. So there's that.

I will begin tapering my medications next week. Basically, I'll be stopping the estrogen patches completely. I cannot say I will miss having all those stickies and their residue all over my skin. I will continue my progesterone injections, but only every other day as opposed to daily until May 31. Those will end completely at that time and I will be medication free!

My next appointment is May 22 for a nuchal scan. That is a scan to measure the fluid at the base of the neck which could indicate a chromosomal abnormality such as Down Syndrome. Even though the embryo was PGD tested, the doctors feel like this test is still warranted. I have had this test with prior carries (here and here); it is pretty routine. And of course any excuse to check on the little guy is always good! I will not actually see my OB at that time; she will call with her thoughts on the scan results and we will talk more in depth at my next appointment on June 5. (I feel like I have lived at doctors' offices this year!)

The school year is wrapping up for us in a little over a week so I will be busy with end of the year breakfasts, awards ceremonies, picnics, field days, and end of the year parties. You will definitely hear from me after our next scan!

Thanks for following along with my on this journey. 😊

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