Sunday, August 6, 2017

Anatomy scan looked great!

Our anatomy ultrasound went beautifully! P and Z were able to be in the room and see their little guy! At times, he was quite uncooperative for the ultrasound tech, forcing her to give him a little shake in my belly to encourage him to turn and face the right directions for her measurements. He is measuring exactly where he should be, now measuring only 2 days ahead. (Remember, he had been measuring 5 days ahead.) P was sent home with some very cute photos of course, but not before she graciously let me scan a couple to keep for myself.

little guy's profile

profile with left hand up and legs up, getting ready to kick!
My doc recommended that we have an additional ultrasound in a couple of weeks to complete a fetal echo under the care of a perinatologist due to studies that show a slight risk increase in heart anomalies in IVF pregnancies. This is standard and my OB saw no concerns on our ultrasound. I have the fetal echo scheduled for August 14; P is going to be at this appointment as well.

During our appointment, we also discussed the possibility of an early delivery (based on the last very fast delivery that occurred at 37 weeks). We may be a little ahead of ourselves but it's always nice to know what you might be able to expect. It's especially important for P as she plans to come and stay towards the end of the pregnancy - she doesn't want to miss the birth of course!

We scheduled my next prenatal appointment for Sept 7; I'll be about 26 weeks along, and will have to drink that dreaded glucola (50 grams of glucose!) for the gestational diabetes test. I'm always happy to get that over with.

I could tell that P and Z were very pleased with how well the appointment went; they are very excited to be getting closer to meeting their little one! Time will pass fast as they keep busy with their work and as we keep busy with the school year getting underway next week! Baby boy will be here before we know it!

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