Saturday, November 30, 2013

We are a go!

My lining check was 3 days ago, but I hope all of you were too busy enjoying copious amounts of turkey, ham, sweet potatoes, pies, etc (like I was!) to care about what those results were. Now that I'm out of my food coma, I can update you all...

My bloodwork was perfect and the ultrasound showed my lining at 12mm, which is right on track where my RE wants me to be. This means we will keep our Dec 6 transfer date as planned. C and I are ecstatic to finally be moving on to the next step! My flight leaves on Dec 5 (from TN to CT); we'll transfer 2 sweet embryos on Dec 6, follow that up with bedrest, then I'll return home on Dec 8 and wait. Ahhhhhh, the waiting!!!

Since we are on for transfer, I begin new meds tonight. I will have my first PIO shot: right into the hip with this bad boy:

Maybe the needle doesn't look so daunting in the photo, but it really is. You would think that since I have experience with this, I wouldn't be so nervous. Except I am. Maybe I can never really get used to sticking a giant needle in my rear. The crankiness from this hormone won't be too far behind - no pun intended, ha! Prayers up for the husband! :)

Tomorrow I will also start Crinone twice a day (a lovely vaginal's not that lovely!); I'll also start Prednisone and Doxycycline pills. I will remain on my Estrace tablets twice a day and my prenatal vitamins. Daily med recap: 1 injection, 2 suppositories (yes, they're a little gross), and 6 pills. This protocol will continue until the beta blood test, which should happen 10-14 days after transfer.

I'm off to do this shot thing...will chat soon, friends!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

2nd cycle's a charm?

Our second cycle officially began November 9. I began estrace (to begin rebuilding the uterine lining) on November 15 and I remain on the Lupron injections. This time around, my doctor adjusted the estrace dosage to half from my the previous cycle, hoping to avoid another over-achieving uterus. Our tentative transfer date is set for December 6. Of course that is dependent upon the uterine lining this time. I will have another ultrasound on November 27 -- if that shows that my uterus is ready, then we will be a go. If not, we will have to adjust meds or possible even cancel the cycle again. Fingers crossed that does not happen! I think I would cry, again. But I'll tell you, it doesn't take much for that to happen these days anyway. I cannot be responsible for my actions while on these hormones. ;)

In the meantime, I am spending my days volunteering at my children's school and baking -- I blame the hormones for the ridiculous amount of sweet treats I've been baking, and eating, lately! But keeping busy will pass the time until next week's ultrasound. I'm a bit nervous about it.

I wish I had more to say about the surrogacy, but all I got for you is: I'm taking my meds and waiting.

But, if transfer date holds, I suspect I'll get to see some northeast snow first week of December? That will be interesting. And of course, we still plan on visiting the twins.

Here's hoping the 2nd cycle is a charm!

Friday, November 8, 2013

Catchin' Up

A whole lot has happened since my last post (over a year ago!), so I thought I'd catch you all up.

My kiddos have grown sooo much since the blog design...may be time to redo that! They are now 6, 9, 13, and 16. Yes, the 16 year old is driving, her own car (that was wrecked 2 weeks after she got it *not her fault*). My 6yr old just finished up his first season of tackle football; those were very fun games to watch! We also moved several months ago, which caused my 2 youngest to start a new school this year. Oh, and we got a cat. With this crew, I am obviously B-U-S-Y! Too busy to even keep this blog updated, until now...

C & M's twins turned 2 in March of this year. It feels like only yesterday I was posting their birth story! C keeps in regular contact with me and I get to see pictures of the twins often. I love watching them grow up in those photos. They are a busy bunch, too! While I had hoped to carry again for C & M, the timing is not right for them yet. I still have hope that I will get to carry for them again, in the future.

I have been working the surrogacy circuit over the last year, and I'm very happy to announce that I was matched with a fantastic couple (C & J) in  July of this year. I am working the same agency (Worldwide Surrogacy) and clinic (Connecticut Fertility) as before. Since our match, contracts have been complete as well as medical testing. We have decided to transfer 2 embryos in hopes of having twins.  I began fertility meds on Oct 4 with a planned transfer for Nov. 7. But I am posting from home instead of a cozy hotel room because that cycle was transferred. Boo. During my lining check, it was discovered that my lining was too thick - apparently, I am an overachiever ;) - and therefore not optimal conditions for a transfer.

We (C, J, my hubby, and myself) are all obviously bummed about this, but we know that this is just a minor setback, and we are ready to move forward with another cycle. Our current plan is for me to stop meds (except the Lupron injections), shed the uterine lining with the help of Provera (a not-so-nice hormone that makes me sad, and hungry), and begin Estrace again to rebuild the lining. We will get a new timeline and calendar when Cycle Day 1 shows up - it's expected any day now - but we have our fingers crossed for a transfer by the end of November if my body responds well this cycle.

Oh, and when we go back to CT, we hope to be able to visit C & M and actually see those sweet faces in person for the first time since they left the hospital!