I get asked this question every now and then, mostly in regard to the blog and surrogacy. I sort of dropped off the grid after my last post, which was about a year half ago! Time got away from as my husband continued to travel a LOT for work. But he has a new position now, my oldest child is 18 and has already moved out, so I'm looking forward to making time for this blog now. :)
Since it has been awhile since I posted, I will let you know that surrogacy #2 was a success and health baby boy was delivered on August 14, 2014.
37 weeks
Picture above is the last picture before little man made his appearance.
And since birth stories are fun, I'd tell you one from a year ago.
I woke up on August 14 (2014) about 4:30a after feeling a small "pop", um, down there; I thought it was my water breaking, but when I got out of bed, there was no water (no dripping, leaks, gush, etc). So maybe I was mistaken -- it was very early in the morning after all! I went to the bathroom, as usual, and nothing out of the ordinary there....a little pink on my toilet paper, but maybe I just wasn't awake and was seeing things. So I laid back f=down and tried to go back to sleep. But I kept having a feeling that something wasn't quite right. I got up, walked around, tried to think; again, no leaking, contractions, anything -- just a weird feeling, and maybe a little back ache.
Unable to shake the uneasy feeling, I called my OB's office at 5:45a, and told the on call OB what happened. I really wasn't that concerned, still thinking it was nothing. She insisted that I head to the hospital just to be safe, especially considering the lower back ache and the fact that I was already at 2cm my last appointment. Plus, it was also the 7th baby and they just fall out at that point, so better to be safe than sorry. ;)
I woke the hubby and we got ready to go. As I was standing at the door waiting for the husband, I had my first contraction. No big deal, it's only the first one, right?! Except the next one was 2 minutes later and HARD! Then I knew I was in transition and that we might not make it to the hospital. I spent the drive in rush hour traffic in construction on the interstate with hard, fast contractions 1-2 minutes apart. I'm not going to lie: I though I might have that baby right there in the husband's clean car!
But we made it to the hospital with about 30 minutes to spare. I was 8cm when I arrived and had feet in stirrups and pushing about 20 minutes later. No time for meds, and barely enough time for an IV. Baby was ready and came out at a healthy 8lbs, 3 ounces.
And I would LOVE to show you baby pictures (because the baby is the most fun part in all this!), but out of respect for the family's privacy, I can not. But rest assured that he is a handsome guy and his family is so happy to have him in their lives!
Thanks for letting me catch you all up here. I plan on spending some time this weekend redesigning the blog and will be back with an update on surrogacy #3! Stay tuned....