Our flight out yesterday was actually nice, although I still do not like to fly. We departed a little bit early and landed even earlier. Traffic to the hotel was a bear. we rolled along about 20-30mph for about an hour off and on. I guess that's how we roll, ha!
We spent most of yesterday just relaxing. The hubby and I took in a movie and had ice-cream for dinner. (Shhhh, don't tell me kids!) Today, C and I are going to enjoy some girlie time, so you know that must mean there is a mall trip in our future. I think we're also planning on getting manicures and grabbing a bite to eat. The hubby will stay here and enjoy his ESPN quietly.
C spoke with the embryologist this morning, and we have transfer set for sometime on Saturday. We likely won't find out what time that will take place until Friday. So, until then, C and I will hang out and the hubby and I will hopefully get some good quality time together. (As much quality as a couple can get bring in a nice hotel in a pretty state WHILE being on intimate restriction from one another.) *If that was more than you needed to know, then I assume you did not read this post with my disclaimer regarding TMI; it might also mean that this blog is not for you*
I also feel like I need to share with you all that the mood swings from the progesterone are definitely here, and I almost feel no desire to control them, ha! I'm only kidding -- I'm going to do my best to combat what my body think is it's natural tendencies. Hopefully that won't require too many cupcakes as well, bleck. But thank goodness for the hotel gym, right?!
Come back on Saturday; I will definitely have an update then seeing how I will be on bedrest for 36hours after transfer: just me on the couch with my laptop, books, magazines, and the remote control. See you all then, friends!
Have been remiss at "following" but seeing as how we have some real action going on, I will make a point to be a better follower! Very exciting stuff! I will be praying for you all during this time of patience, excitement, nerves, and emotions. With love!